I will be happy to receive invites to speak on the following topics:
Expository sermons that continue a series a pastor may be preaching.
Expository sermons that can be a 3–4 week series for a church, or longer when pulpit supply is needed.
Expository sermons on a passage God may lay upon my heart for a congregation.
Expository sermons that relate to current ethical issues.
Expository sermons on the atonement and the significance of the resurrection of Jesus, or the Trinity
Expository sermons on theology and science.
Expository sermons for pastors’ conferences and retreats.
Sessions for Pastors’ Conferences, or Adult Ed or Young Adult Groups, on topics like:
The Trinity and why it matters
The atonement of Jesus
The significance of the resurrection of Jesus
Assurance of salvation
Justification and sanctification
Divine election
Preaching so that human words become divine speaking
Missional church
Christianity and science
The image of God in humanity as the grounding for ethical issues
Ethical issues pastors face
The theological meaning behind sex and the sexual commands of the Bible
Sexuality, same-sex marriage
Beginning and end of life issues (MAID)
Speaking in the public square
A theology of work
Integrating psychology and theology
Lectures for the academy on the following:
In defence of the social Trinity: why the “classical” and “relational” and politically-motivated “social” models fall short of the classical persons-in-relation self-revealed reality of who God is.
Total Atonement: why atonement must occur within the whole person of Christ, in the communion of the whole Godhead, embracing all of the models, to accomplish the reconciliation of the whole human person and the whole creation. Overcoming the “cosmic child-abuse” objection to penal substitution.
Justification and Sanctification in Assurance and Christian Formation in the Reformed tradition: an evaluative comparison of the soteriology of Jonathan Edwards and Karl Barth
Theological Ethics: proposal of person-in-relation centred Trinitarian ethics as the overarching meta-ethic for Christian ethics and as the proper framework for virtue ethics, deontology and utilitarian ethics.
Imaging the Triune God: the theological meaning behind sex and the sexual commands of the Bible
The Greatest Apologetic for the Resurrection of Jesus is its Meaning: A Theology of the Resurrection of Jesus and its ramifications for atonement, justification, sanctification, the moral order of creation, ethics, the beatific vision, the bodily resurrection of all humanity, the renewal of all creation. [This could be a lectures series].
Theological Themes in the Book of Hebrews
The Missional Church
The Importance of the Category of Human Personhood: for theological anthropology, for the community that is not collectivism, for ethics, for defining the telos of theosis.
"Sports: Image of God or Idolatry… or Both?"