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Day 1:

  1. Phil. 1:1-2    Epistolary Prescript: essential foundations of joyful formation/Introduction to Expository Preaching

  2. Phil. 1:3-11   Agency in joyful formation/Principles of Expository Preaching 

Assigned Readings:

Sacred Rhythms,

  1. Introduction (pp.10-17),

  2. Longing for More (ch. 1),

  3. Solitude (ch.2),

  4. Scripture (ch. 3) and

  5. Honouring the Body (ch. 5)      


Day 2: 

  1. Phil. 1:12-26 Circumstances in joyful formation

  2. Phil. 1:27-30 Missional Unity in joyful formation

Assigned Readings:

Sacred Rhythms,

  1. Discernment (ch. 7) and

Renovation of the Heart,

  1. Radical Goodness (ch.4) and

  2. Transforming the Mind (ch.6) 


Day 3:

  1. Phil. 2:1-11   The Prime Paradigm in joyful formation

  2. Phil. 2:12-30 Partners in joyful formation 

Assigned Readings:

Sacred Rhythms,

  1. Self-Examination (ch. 6) and

  2. Sabbath (ch.8). 


Day 4:

  1. Phil. 3:1-9     The ethos of acceptance in joyful formation (justification) and Phil. 3:10-16 The pursuit in joyful formation

  2. Phil. 3:17-4:3 The consuming vision of joyful formation 

Assigned Readings:

Sacred Rhythms,

  1. A Rule of Life (ch. 9) and

  2. Prayer (ch.4)  


Day 5:

  1. Phil.4:4-9     The diagnostics in joyful formation: shalom (4-9). 

  2. Phil.4:10-23     The diagnostics in joyful formation: contentment (10-13); mutuality (14-23). 


Required Texts

  1. Long, Thomas. The Witness of Preaching. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1989). 267 pp.] ISBN: 0664229433. $35.99.

  2. Barton, Ruth Haley. Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives For Spiritual Transformation (Downers Grove: IVP, 2006); 192 pp. ISBN: 0830833331. $24.99. 

  3. Willard, Dallas. Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2002); 272 pp. ISBN: 9781615216321. $19.99

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