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Week 1: Grounded in the Caring of God: A Theological Introduction to Pastoral Care 
Reading (Pastor as Pray-er and Equipper):  

  1. van Deusen Hunsinger, Deborah, Pray without Ceasing, pp. 1 to 98.

  2. Hastings, W. Ross, Where Do Broken Hearts Go? An Integrative Participational Theology of Grief, pp. 45-66.


Week 2: Grounded in Caring with God: Theological Introduction cont. 

  1. Purves, Andrew.  The Crucifixion of Ministry, pp. 1 to 72.


Week 3: Identity: The Pastor as Person & Missionary Disciple

  1. Lischer, Open Secrets, pp. 1 to 115.


Week 4: The Problem of Pain and Suffering: Communicating Understanding, Empathy and Compassion

  1. Peterson, Eugene. The Pastor: A Memoir pp. 1 to 98.


Week 5:  Death and Grieving: The Shock, The Relationality 


  1. Long, Thomas G.  Accompany Them with Singing:  The Christian Funeral. pp. 1 to 106.

  2. Hastings, W. Ross, Where Do Broken Hearts Go? An Integrative Participational Theology of Grief.  pp.1-44, 67-176.   


Week 6: The Cycle of Life: Pastoral Care at Moments of Life Transition: Baptisms/Dedications; 

Marriage – Premarital Counselling and Policies
Singleness – pastoral care to and of singles


Week 7: Marriage Ceremonies, Marital Enrichment, Marital Counselling 

A pastoral care ministry to the dying and those who love them. 
Guest: Dr Margaret Cottle 

  1. Long, Thomas G.  Accompany Them with Singing: The Christian Funeral.  pp.  107 to 202.

Week 8: Care and the Church as a Community of Word and Sacrament 

  1. Peterson, Eugene.  The Pastor: A Memoir pp. 99 to 288.


Week 9: Community of Forgiveness and Reconciliation: 
Hearing Confession 
Church Discipline
Administering the Sacraments (listening with a cruciform ear, seeing through a doxological lens and speaking with a sacramental voice)


  1. Purves, Andrew.  The Crucifixion of Ministry pp. 73 to 121.


Week 10: Mental Health Awareness: 
Guest: Dr. Ed Ng      

  1. Purves, Andrew.  The Crucifixion of Ministry pp. 122 to 149.


Week 11: Self-Care and Pastoral Care

The Ethics of Care 

  1. Willimon, Chapter 13 

  2. Lischer, 169-240.

Week 12: Pastoral Care as Mission and Evangelism​

Summation: Care as Participation in the Acts of the Triune God


  1. Willimon, Chapter 9.

  2. Lischer, Open Secrets, 116-168.


Required Reading


  1. Hastings, W. Ross, Where Do Broken Hearts Go? An Integrative Participational Theology of Grief. Eugene: Cascade, 2016. ISBN: 1498278493. 176pp. 

  2. Lischer, Richard.  Open Secrets:  A Memoir of Faith and Discovery.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2009. ISBN: 9780767907446. $28.99

  3. Long, Thomas G.  Accompany Them with Singing:  The Christian Funeral.  Louisville:  Westminster/John Knox Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780664233198. $27.99

  4. Peterson, Eugene.  The Pastor:  A Memoir.  New York:  Harper Collins, 2011. ISBN: 9780061988202. $23.99

  5. Purves, Andrew.  The Crucifixion of Ministry.  Downers Grove:  IVP, 2007. ISBN: 9780830834396. $26.99.

  6. van Deusen Hunsinger, Deborah.  Pray without Ceasing:  Revitalizing Pastoral Care.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2006.  ISBN: 978080284759.  $39.99

  7. Willimon, William.  Pastor:  Theology & Practice of Ordained Ministry.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 2002. ISBN: 9781501804908. $41.99.

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