Week 1:
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course; small group administration; biographical sketches of Ross Hastings, Darrell Johnson and Don Lewis
Lecture 2: Introduction to the course: The human person as a person-in-relation with the triune God, made in the image of God as co-creator, broken by the psycho-social effects of the Fall, yet justified and being sanctified, able to enjoy what it means to be human, and ensconced by grace in the mission of God, engaged joyfully in God’s work in the world and the church by participation in God (expectations of the person in mission) – Ross Hastings
Week 2:
Lectures 3, 4: Understanding Our Sense of Call as Human, as Christian, as individual person – Darrell Johnson
Week 3:
Lectures 5, 6: A vision for the healing and formation of persons in community – Ross Hastings
Week 4:
Lectures 7: Formative habits: A realistic theology of transformation and its telos: growing in the image of God, participating in God’s mission to the world – Ross Hastings
Lecture 8: The Formation of a Pastor in the medieval period: Gregory the Great – Don Lewis
Week 5:
Lectures 9: Ministers as Sexual Beings: Gift and Burden, in singleness and in marriage – Ross Hastings and …
Lecture 10: … Karen Reed; Panel discussion – Ross Hastings, Karen Reed, Don Lewis
Week 6:
Lecture 11: ‘The Character that bears the Charisms’: Dealing with Sinfulness and Brokenness; Understanding our Families of Origin; the influence of fathers and mothers – Dr. Ed Ng, psychologist
Lecture 12: Cognition, Emotions and Behaviour – Ed Ng
Week 7:
Lecture 13, 14: Understanding depression and anxiety – lecture by Dr Ed Ng and brief interaction with Dr Hastings at the end of the second lecture.
Week 8:
Lecture 15: Formative habits: “What is health?” – Attending to the body and the soul of the person in ministry – Dr. Margaret Cottle
Lecture 16: Panel with Margaret, Ross and Don responding to class questions
Week 9:
Lecture 17, 18: Godspeed: the movie.
Rhythms of grace in the pastorate – Matt Canlis
Week 10:
Lecture 19: Formative habits: formed by community and spiritual friendship - developing an authentic, supportive community around you; developing a relationship with a spiritual friend – Paul Stevens
Lecture 20: Formative habits: formed by solitude and silence and Sabbath – Paul Stevens
Week 11:
Lecture 21: Formative habits: formed by Word and Sacrament (the Eucharistic habitus) – Ross Hastings
Lecture 22: Lecture 18: The Formation of a Pastor in the Modern period: John Stott – Don Lewis
Week 12:
Lecture 23: The general and the particular for women in pastoral leadership. TBA
Lecture 24: Living out our suffering and our missional identity: learning to be human, learning to discern wise action in public, learning to communicate confidently in Christian and non-Christian contexts, learning to imagine theological embodiments of the gospel in all realms of life – Ross Hastings
Required Reading
Smith, Gordon T. Courage and Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential, Downers Grove: IVP: 2011 (289 pages)
Peterson, Eugene. Under the Unpredictable Plant: An Exploration of Vocational Holiness. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992. (200 pages).
Nouwen, Henri. In the Name of Jesus. New York: Crossroad, 1989. (75 pages).
Burns, Bob, Tasha D. Chapman and Donald C. Guthrie, Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving, Downers Grove: IVP, 2016, (pp. 7-264).