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In peer-reviewed Journals and Academic publications:

  1. W. Ross Hastings, ‘“Honouring the Spirit”: analysis and evaluation of Jonathan Edwards’ pneumatological doctrine of the incarnation.’  International Journal of Systematic Theology 7 (No.3) July 2005, 279-299.  

  2. W. Ross Hastings, ‘Discerning the Spirit: Ambivalent assurance in the soteriology of Jonathan Edwards and Barthian correctives.’ Scottish Journal of Theology 63 (04), 2010, 437-455.

  3. W. Ross Hastings, ‘Ecstasy, Embrace, Effulgence: The Trinity and the Mission-shaped Church in the Twenty-first Century . . . Insights from Jesus’s High Priestly Prayer, Jonathan Edwards, and Karl Barth’, CRUX 45.2 (Fall, 2009), 2-11.

  4. W. Ross Hastings. "The Shack's God." CRUX 45.4 (Winter, 2009), 22-26.

  5. W. Ross Hastings, “Jonathan Edwards on the Trinity: A Current Evaluation of its Place and Its Controversial Facets,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 59, No.3 (2016), 585-600.

  6. W. Ross Hastings. “Reflections on Some Evolutionary Creation Affirmations,” CRUX 52.2 (Summer, 2016), 18-22. 

  7. W. Ross Hastings, “The Trinity and Human Sexuality: made in the image of the triune God,” CRUX 54.2 (Summer, 2018), 10-24. 

  8. W. Ross Hastings, “Karl Barth: Human Identity and the Freedom of God in Christ” in Sources of the Christian Self: A Cultural History of Christian Identity, eds. James M. Houston and Jens Zimmermann (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018). 

  9. W. Ross Hastings and William Watson, “Matthew Henry: Expounding the Scriptures,” in The History of Preaching, vols. 1 and 2, eds. Benjamin Forrest, Kevin L. King, Bill Curtis and Dwayne Milioni (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018), vol. 1, 427-439.

  10. W. Ross Hastings, “T.F. Torrance’s Contribution in the Constructive Dialogue Between Theology and Science,” in Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Evaluation, eds. Myk Habets and R. Lucas Stamps, in press, Bellingham, WA.: Lexham Press, Forthcoming. 

  11. W. Ross Hastings, lecture at Los Angeles Theology Conference, January 17-18, 2019 on Divine Action and Providence: “Divine and Created Agents in Asymmetric Concursus: A Barthian Option.” 

  12. W. Ross Hastings, “Divine and Created Agency in Asymmetric Concursus: A Barthian Option” in Oliver Crisp and Fred Sanders, eds. Divine Action and Providence (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2019), 115-136.

  13. W. Ross Hastings, “ ‘The Word Became Flesh’: Christian Theology and Science as Coinherent, Not Conflicted . . . A Post-Intellectual Approach” in Is the Gospel Good News? McMaster New Testament Studies Series, Stanley E. Porter and Hughson T. Ong, eds. (Eugene, OR.: Pickwick, 2019), 179-222.

  14. W. Ross Hastings, “Sport: Idolatry or the Image of God … or both?” in press, CRUX 56.2 (Summer, 2020), 32-34.

  15. W. Ross Hastings, “Personhood: The Core of Human Identity,” CRUX 57.1 (Spring, 2021), 11-18.

  16. W. Ross Hastings, “A Theology of Depression” in press, CRUX


Review Articles: 


  1. W. Ross Hastings. Review of The Supreme Harmony of All: The Trinitarian Theology of Jonathan Edwards, Amy Plantinga Pauw. International Journal of Systematic Theology 5 (No.1), March 2003, 120-122 (attributed to “Ross Shaw” in error).

  2. W. Ross Hastings. Review of Listening to the Past: the Place of Tradition in Christian Theology, Steve Holmes. International Journal of Systematic Theology 6 (No. 4), 440-443. 2004.

  3. W. Ross Hastings. Review of Jonathan Edwards: Philosophical Theologian (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003), Paul Helm and Oliver Crisp ((Eds.), 7 (No.3), July 2005. International Journal of Systematic Theology 7 (No. 3), 2005, 316-342.

  4. W. Ross Hastings. Review of Remembering Our Future: Explorations in Deep Church. Eds. Andrew Walker and Luke Bretherton (London/Colorado Springs/Hyderabad: Paternoster, 2007). CRUX, 43 (No.4), Winter 2007, 46-49. 

  5. W. Ross Hastings. Review of The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Edwards, ed. Stephen J. Stein (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). International Journal of Systematic Theology 10 (No.4), 2008, 473-476.

  6. W. Ross Hastings. Review of Darwin’s Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong. Conor Cunningham (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010). Regent Cosmos website on the Regent Marketplace website.

  7. W. Ross Hastings. Review of Jason S. Sexton, gen. ed., Stanley Gundry, series ed. Two Views on the Doctrine of the Trinity.  CRUX, 51 (No.1), Spring 2016, 32-36.

  8. W. Ross Hastings, Review of Rodrick K. Durst, Reordering the Trinity: Six Movements of God in the New Testament (Grand Rapids MI: Kregel, 2016). CRUX, 53 (No.2), Summer 2017, 39-40.        

  9. W. Ross Hastings, Review of Fleming Rutledge, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015). CRUX, 54 (No. 2), Summer 2018, 37-40.

  10. W. Ross Hastings, Review of Marty Folsom, Sharing God’s Life, Vol 3, Face to Face (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016), CRUX, 55 (No.1), Spring 2019, 38-40.

  11. W. Ross Hastings, Review of Douglas Farrow, Theological Negotiations: Proposals in Soteriology and Anthropology (Grand Rapids: Baker Acad., 2018). CRUX, 55 (No. 2), Summer 2019, 15-23.  


Conference Presentations:


  1. W. Ross Hastings, The Life of God in Jonathan Edwards: Towards an Evangelical Theology of Participation, in the History of Christianity and North American Religions program unit at the PNW AAR/SBL/ASOR meeting at Marylhurst University (March 28, 2015) in Portland, Oregon.

  2. W. Ross Hastings, “Jonathan Edwards on the Trinity,” an invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Atlanta, GA., in the “Models of God” session, November 18, 2015. 


Popular Articles:


  1. Ross Hastings, ‘What DNA Matter Did the Baby Jesus Have?’ in ‘Ask a Theologian’ section, Faith Today, November/December 2006. 

  2. W. Ross Hastings, Ask a Theologian: ‘Did God create out of His essence or His will?’ in ‘Ask a Theologian’ section, Faith Today, July/August 2008.

  3. Ross Hastings, ‘Missional Church: Fad or Foundation?’ Faith Today, Sept/October 2010, 23-4.

  4. W. Ross Hastings, ‘Christian Theology and Science: fearful antagonism or joyful collaboration’, Faith Today, November/December 2011, 20-21. 

  5. W. Ross Hastings, ‘A Theological Reflection on My Experience of Depression,’ in Living Life: A Journal of Spiritual Formation and Reflection, June 2016, 168-169.  

  6. W. Ross Hastings, “Three Bodies United in One: A Holistic Theology of the Body,” Regent World, March 31, 2020 / Issue Volume 31, Number 1, Spring 2020. 


Publications in Chemistry:


  1. W.R. Hastings, M.J. Thomas, C.J. Cameron and M.C. Baird, Tenth Symposium on Catalysis (Catalysis Division, Chemical Institute of Canada), Kingston, Ontario, 1986. (NLC. Diss. Abstr. Int. 1987, 48, 758). 

  2. W.R. Hastings and M.C. Baird, Inorganic Chemistry, 1986, 25, 2913.

  3. W.R. Hastings and M.C. Baird, Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 27, 3024.

  4. R.D. Heyding and W.R. Hastings, J.C.P.D.S., 1987.

  5. W.R. Hastings, M.R.  Roussel and M.C. Baird, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 1990, 1, 203.

  6. W.R. Hastings and M.C. Baird, Gov. Rep. Announce. Index (U.S.), 1986, 86  Abstr. No. 642 994 ([Ru(CO)4]n).

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